
학술행사 안내

제134회 대한화학회 학술발표회 총회 및 기기전시회

대구 컨벤션 센터


09:00 - 09:13: Copper-Catalyzed Regioselective and Enantioselective Hydropyridylation of Dienes for the Synthesis of Chiral Diaryl Compounds via Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution

Minjeong Seo(서민정) KAIST

09:13 - 09:26: Construction of Porous Metal-Helix Frameworks Using Unnatural 12/10-Helical β-Peptide Foldamers

In Gyu Han(한인규) Yonsei University

09:26 - 09:39: Increasing Chemical Diversity of B2N2 Anthracene Derivatives by Introducing Continuous Multiple Boron-Nitrogen Units

Seonghwa Jeong(정성화) UNIST

09:39 - 09:52: Identification of Novel Antivirals against Dengue Virus using Me-Too Approach and Virtual Screening

Wonseo Park(박원서) KRICT

09:52 - 10:05: Direct Synthesis of N-heterocyclic compounds via Iron-catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization with Alcohol and Methyl arene

Seok Beom Lee(이석범) Seoul National University

10:05 - 10:18: Development of Clickable Films on Various Substrates by Mimicking Melanogenesis

Himani Bisht Pusan National University

10:18 - 10:31: Lewis Pair-Catalyzed Hydrohalogenation of Alkynes to Haloalkenes with Switchable E/Z Selectivity

Yun Soo Shim(심윤수) POSTECH

10:31 - 10:44: Palladium-Catalyzed Negishi Cross-Coupling Reaction of Aryl Bromides with Allylaluminum Reagents

Seeun Lim(임세은) Kwangwoon University

10:44 - 10:57: DNA-Compatible Synthesis of β-Amino Carbonyls for DNA-Encoded Library Synthesis

Danila Ryzhikh Kyungpook National University

15:40 - 16:10: Advancing from Chiral Analysis to Metabolite Profiling

Hyunwoo Kim (김현우) KAIST

16:10 - 16:40: Lighting up sulfonium salts: a general platform for photocatalytic, metal-free cross-coupling

David John Procter University of Manchester

16:40 - 17:10: M(triNHC) (M = Ir and Ni) complexes for sustainable catalysis: CO2 utilization, biomass conversion, and waste plastic upcycling

Hye-Young Jang (장혜영) Ajou University

17:10 - 17:40: Advancing Organic Synthesis with Electrochemistry for N-N and C-N Cyclization and Continuous Flow for Nitroreduction

Jin Kyoon Park (박진균) Pusan National University


09:00 - 09:30: Design and Synthesis of Functional Molecules for Biomedical Applications

Sun-Joon Min (민선준) Hanyang University

09:30 - 10:00: Excimers beyond pyrene: A far-red optical proximity reporter and its applications based on aggregation-induced emission

Youngmi Kim (김영미) Kyung Hee University

10:00 - 10:30: Vitrimer System Design based on Liquid Crystalline Epoxides

Hyeonuk Yeo (여현욱) Kyungpook National University

10:30 - 11:00: Functional Organic Materials to Control Adhesion at Biointerface

Woo Kyung Cho (조우경) Chungnam National University

11:00 - 13:00: Poster Presentations

14:30 - 15:00: Sustainable Approaches to Acylation and Carbamoylation: A Path Towards Reduced Chemical Hazards

Hee Nam Lim (임희남) Yeungnam University

15:00 - 15:30: Sustainable Aquacatalysis and SuFEx Conjugation with Biomolecules

Han Yong Bae (배한용) Sungkyunkwan University

15:30 - 16:00: Green Aerobic Oxidative Transformations Using Azo/Hydrazide Redox

Jinho Kim (김진호) Incheon National University

16:00 - 16:30: Sustainable Trifluoromethylation Reactions

Eun Jin Cho (조은진) Chung-Ang University